Location:  Warmerdam Test Block
DATE:  May 28, 2024  -64
Baby Plums
Variety Type Ripe Description Inch Size mm Brix
10A658 R/Y -65 Ok size, good flavor, good crop.     17
10A648 R/dR -65 Heavy crop, good flavor, size? 2        18
10A615 RG/R -65 Heavy crop, nice color, ok flavor. 2      51 18
11A330 R/Y -63 Excellent flavor, heavy crop, firm. 1 13/16 46 18
11A465 RO/R -63 Excellent flavor, ok crop, juicy. 1  7/8 48 18-20
Location:  Le Grand, CA
DATE:  May 29, 2024  -67
Baby Plums
Variety Type Ripe Description Inch Size mm Brix
56P852 dR/dR -68 Heavy crop, good flavor, nice color. 1  7/8 48 18
10A615 RG/R -65 Heavy crop, nice color, ok flavor. 2      51 15-18
11A330 R/Y -63 Excellent flavor, heavy crop, firm. 1 13/16 46 18
11A465 RO/R -63 Excellent flavor, ok crop, juicy. 1  7/8 48 18-20
Location:  Warmerdam Test Block
DATE:  June 4, 2024  -57
Baby Plums
Variety Type Ripe Description Inch Size mm Brix
23 R2 T13 67M869 R/Y -54 Excellent flavor, good crop on baby graft, nice shape. 1  3/4 44 20
21 R3 T29 9P15 P/Y -57 Good flavor, firm, good crop. 2      51 21
21 R5 T2 4M800 P/RO -54 Good crop, good flavor, firm. 2  1/8 54 18-20
21 R5 T33 10A945 dR/R -54 Excellent flavor, nice shape, firm, heavy crop. 1 13/16 46 20
Location:  Le Grand, CA
DATE:  June 5, 2024  -60
Baby Plums
Variety Type Ripe Description Inch Size mm Brix
New 9C722 PC -63 Very heavy crop, nice color, flavor? 1 13/16 46 15
New 9P16 BP/Y -62 Sick tree, good crop, nice color, flavor? 1 13/16 46 17-20
New 56P856 BP/R -62 Baby graft, good crop, good flavor. 1  3/4 44 21
Location:  Warmerdam Test Block
DATE:  June 11, 2024  -50
Baby Plums
Variety Type Ripe Description Inch Size mm Brix
      No Varieties to Show from WP      
Location:  Le Grand, CA
DATE:  June 12, 2024  -53
Baby Plums
Variety Type Ripe Description Inch Size mm Brix
20 R3 T1 4P102 RP/R -56 Heavy crop, good flavor, tough skin. 1 13/16 46 19-21
New 50P195 RG/dR -54 Young graft, mild skin, excellent flavor. 1 13/16 46 18
New 50P202 RG/dR -54 Excellent flavor, nice shape, good crop. 2      51 18
New 50P531 RG/R -54 Excellent flavor, good crop, young graft. 1  7/8 48 18-21
New 13A608 RG/dR -53 Cherry size, nice color, good flavor, good crop. 1  5/8 41 19-21
New 5A565 dR/dR -53 Heavy crop, good flavor, nice color and shape. 1 13/16 46 20
New 12P758 R/RY -53 Heavy crop, excellent flavor, baby graft, size? 2  1/8 54 16-21
New 52P38 R/R PC -53 Medium crop this year, good flavor. 1  7/8 48 16-18
L.Y. 9C734 BP/Y -53 Heavy crop, ok flavor, nice color. 1 13/16 46 16-21
L.Y. 5A683 R/Y -53 Heavy crop, good flavor, own root, good shape. 2      51 19
New 50P450 R/RY -52 Ok crop, baby graft, excellent flavor. 1 13/16 46 20-24
New 10C837 PC -52 Excellent flavor, ok crop, very firm. 1  3/4 44 28
Location:  Warmerdam Test Block
DATE:  June 18, 2024  -43
Baby Plums
Variety Type Ripe Description Inch Size mm Brix
21 R1 T37 14A1012 dRG/dR -38 Excellent flavor, medium crop, stem bowl cracks. 2  1/4 57 26
Location:  Le Grand, CA
DATE:  June 19, 2024  -46
Baby Plums
Variety Type Ripe Description Inch Size mm Brix
New 51P73 P/dR -48 Excellent flavor, good crop, nice shape, young graft. 1  3/4 44 20
New 44M716 R/R -48 Excellent flavor, creamy texture, ok crop. 1  3/4 44 20
New 9C592 RY/YR -46 Flat round shape, ok crop, good flavor. 1  3/4 44 18
New 11G630 PC B/Y -46 Heavy crop, flat round shape, aftertaste? 1  7/8 48 20
New 10A496 GR/dR -46 Heavy crop, excellent flavor, size? 2  1/8 54 20-22
L.Y. 22Q322 dRG/dR -46 Nice flavor, good crop, baby graft. 1  3/4 44 21-23
L.Y. 13C354 PC B/W -45 Heavy crop, good flavor. 1 13/16 46 18
New 6A140 R/Y -45 Excellent flavor, nice shape, ok crop. 2  1/8 54 23
New 6M636 dR/dR -44 Excellent flavor, heavy crop, tough skin, size? 2      51 22
Location:  Warmerdam Test Block
DATE:  June 25, 2024  -36
Baby Plums
Variety Type Ripe Description Inch Size mm Brix
21 R6 T13 12A1010 GR/RO -36 Nice flavor, heavy crop, very firm. 1 13/16 46 20
22 R7 T17 14Q658 P/dR -36 Excellent flavor, nice shape, young graft. 2      51 23
21 R4 T25 5M497 RG/R -33 Excellent flavor, heavy crop. 1 13/16 46 24-26
20 R4 T17 17A418 RG/R -33 Excellent flavor, heavy crop, firm, nice stem length. 1 13/16 46 26
Location:  Le Grand, CA
DATE:  June 26, 2024  -39
Baby Plums
Variety Type Ripe Description Inch Size mm Brix
New 51P344 P/Y -41 Baby graft, heavy crop, good flavor, nice shape. 1  5/8 41 23
New 16G7 RG/dR -41 Excellent flavor, ok crop, baby graft. 1 13/16 46 21
New 1A25 dRG/dR -40 Very heavy crop, ok flavor, nice color. 2  1/16 52 20
New 16G10 RG/dR -40 Baby graft, good crop, good flavor. 1  3/4 44 21
New 12P462 RP/R -39 Good flavor, good crop, nice flat round shape. 2  1/8 54 22
New 10A1108 dRG/Y -39 Excellent flavor, heavy crop, very firm. 2  1/8 54 25
L.Y. 13A1025 RY/Y -39 Excellent flavor, nice two-tone color, good crop. 2  1/16 52 22
New 5G677 P/Y -39 Baby graft, good crop, size? 2  1/8 54 21
20 R1 T33 5M176 RG/R -37 Very heavy crop, excellent flavor. 1  3/4 44 23-27
21 R6 T33 13A960 GR/R -37 Good crop, good flavor, color? 1  7/8 48 20
Location:  Warmerdam Test Block
DATE:  July 9, 2024  -22
Baby Plums
Variety Type Ripe Description Inch Size mm Brix
21 R6 T13 12A1010 GR/RO -36 3rd Look - Still firm, nice flavor, heavy crop. 2      51 25
20 R4 T5 21Q1024 R/R -25 Excellent flavor, heavy crop, creamy texture. 1 13/16   24
21 R4 T13 5A621 dRG/R -22 Heavy crop, excellent flavor, very firm. 1  7/8   25
21 R1 T27 5M540 P/R -22 Excellent flavor, very heavy crop, slight Santa Rosa flavor. 1  3/4   24
21 R6 T9 10A1075 R/Y -20 Good flavor, heavy crop. 1  3/4   23
21 R5 T13 7A535 P/R -20 Excellent flavor, slight Santa Rosa flavor, good crop. 2        25
Location:  Le Grand, CA
DATE:  July 10, 2024  -25
Baby Plums
Variety Type Ripe Description Inch Size mm Brix
23 R2 T25 17A418 RG/R -30 Excellent flavor, good crop, color? 1  3/4 44 26
New 23Q360 dR/dR -28 Excellent flavor, good crop, cherry size. 1  1/2 38 24
New 56P739 BP/dR PC -28 Excellent flavor, good crop. 1  3/4 44 21
New 9C825 Y/Y -27 Nice flavor, good crop, no scuff on tree, size? 2  1/8 54 18
L.Y. 16A940 GRD/dR -25 Excellent flavor, heavy crop, nice shape, firm, size? 2  1/8 54 20-23
L.Y. 18A943 gB/dR -25 Heavy crop, excellent flavor, nice color and shape. 1  7/8 48 23
New 22Q838 dR/dR -25 Excellent flavor, good crop, good color. 1 13/16 46 21-23
L.Y. 53P1258 PG/dR -25 Baby graft, heavy crop, nice shape, good flavor. 1 13/16 46 23
New 8M150 R/R -25 Heavy crop, nice flavor, size? 2  1/8 54 22
New 5G640 P/vdR -24 Very heavy crop, excellent flavor. 2  1/16 52 23
Location:  Warmerdam Test Block
DATE:  July 16, 2024  -15
Baby Plums
Variety Type Ripe Description Inch Size mm Brix
20 R3 T33 5G658 RG/dR -15 Excellent flavor, good crop, mild, firm, tough skin. 1  7/8 48 25
Location:  Le Grand, CA
DATE:  July 17, 2024  -18
Baby Plums
Variety Type Ripe Description Inch Size mm Brix
2022 17A571 R/R -18 Excellent flavor, heavy crop, very firm, good size. 2      51 24-28
L.Y. 10G634 P/R PC -18 Heavy crop, good flavor, size? 1  3/4 44 21
New 10G642 P/Yring PC -18 Heavy crop, good flavor, creamy texture. 1  7/8 48 19-22
New 42M178 P/Y -18 Excellent flavor, good crop, very firm, crisp. 1  7/8 48 25-28
New 41M895 dRG/RO -18 Nice flavor, good crop, very firm, nice shape. 1  7/8 48 21-23
New 59M895 RG/R -18 Excellent flavor, good crop, nice shape, firmness? 1  7/8 48 25
21 R1 T25 5M540 P/R PC -18 Excellent Sant Rosa flavor, heavy crop, size? 2  1/8 54 21-23
21 R5 T18 5A690 RY/Y -17 Good flavor, good crop, color? 2  1/8 54 23
Location:  Warmerdam Test Block
DATE:  July 23, 2024  -8
Baby Plums
Variety Type Ripe Description Inch Size mm Brix
21 R10 T31 21Q211 R/Pk -10 Nice flavor, heavy crop on all trees, watch firmness. 2      51 22
21 R9 T21 9M147 RG/Pk -8 Excellent flavor, heavy crop, very exposed fruit. 1 13/16 46 25
20 R1 T21 13A433 GR/R -5 Nice flavor, good crop, very firm, size? 2  1/4 57 23
Location:  Le Grand, CA
DATE:  July 24, 2024  -11
Baby Plums
Variety Type Ripe Description Inch Size mm Brix
21 R1 T25 5M540 P/R  -18 2nd Look - Excellent Sant Rosa flavor, heavy crop, size? 2  1/8 54 21-23
New 9C752 P/Y PC -13 Good crop, good flavor, baby graft. 1 13/16 46 24-26
New 45M190 P/RO PC -11 Good crop, good flavor, tough skin, heart shape. 1 13/16 46 22
20 R9 T21 9M147 RG/R -11 Heavy crop, young graft, nice shape, nice flavor. 1  3/4 44 22-24
New 22Q1036 R/R -11 Excellent flavor, cherry size, heavy crop, crisp. 1  5/8 41 25-27
L.Y. 38M526 P/W -11 Good flavor, heavy crop, firm. 1  3/4 44 23
New 39M290 B/dR -11 Good flavor, good crop, heart shape, firm. 1 13/16 46 21
New 44M378 P/GY -11 Good flavor, good crop, color? 1 13/16 46 20-22
New 44M773 dR/dR -11 Excellent flavor, heavy crop, heart shape, firm. 1 13/16 46 24
20 R1 T21 13A433 RG/R -10 Heavy crop, very firm, nice shape, good flavor. 2      51 22
L.Y. 38M658 P/YO -10 Excellent flavor, heavy crop, firm. 1 13/16 46 25-27
Location:  Warmerdam Test Block
DATE:  July 30, 2024  -1
Baby Plums
Variety Type Ripe Description Inch Size mm Brix
21 R9 T21 9M147 RG/Pk -8 2nd Look - Still firm, excellent flavor, heavy crop, very exposed fruit. 1 13/16 46 25
Location:  Le Grand, CA
DATE:  July 31, 2024  -4
Baby Plums
Variety Type Ripe Description Inch Size mm Brix
New 22Q1036 R/R -11 2nd Look - Still firm, excellent flavor, cherry size, heavy crop, crisp. 1  5/8 41 25-27
New 14Q633 P/Y PC -4 Small graft, excellent flavor, heavy crop. 1  3/4 44 25
New 26P865 YPk/RY -4 Good crop, ok flavor, creamy texture. 1  7/8 48 21-23
L.Y. 22Q475 R/Pk PC -4 Heavy crop, ok flavor, creamy texture. 1  5/8 41 23-25
L.Y. 22Q1180 dRG/dR -4 Excellent flavor, medium crop, firmness? 1  5/8 41 24-26
L.Y. 43M18 G/G -4 Heavy crop, nice flavor, heart shape, creamy texture. 1  7/8 48 20-26
New 46M577 R/Y -4 Excellent flavor, good crop, good size, very firm. 1 13/16 46 26-29
L.Y. 10P1186 RY/Y -4 Heavy crop, ok flavor, flat round shape. Cherry Size 1  3/4 44 20-22
New 13G875 PG/dR -2 Heavy crop, excellent flavor, good size. 1 13/16 46 20-25
23 R4 T33 10P948 R/Y +0 Excellent flavor, cherry size and shape, medium crop. 1  3/4 44 24-26
DATE:  August 6, 2024  +6
Baby Plums
Variety Type Ripe Description Inch Size mm Brix
23 R7 T29 4M854 RG/R +8 Nice flavor, good crop, young graft, firm. 2      51 27
Location:  Le Grand, CA
DATE:  August 7, 2024  +3
Baby Plums
Variety Type Ripe Description Inch Size mm Brix
23 R4 T33 10P948 R/Y +0 2nd Look - Still firm, excellent flavor, cherry size and shape, medium crop. 1  3/4 44 24-26
20 R6 T6 1A518 P/RO +0 Heavy crop, excellent flavor, good size. 2      51 24-26
New 53P479 RY/RY +0 Baby graft, good flavor, good crop. 1  3/4 44 23-26
New 50M96 R/R PC +1 Good crop, excellent flavor, firm. 1  7/8 48 20-23
20 R1 T21 13A433 GR/R +2 Heavy crop, excellent flavor, firm. 1  7/8 48 22-24
New 17G961 R/R PC +2 Good crop, good flavor, young graft, creamy texture. 1  7/8 48 22-24
New 41M497 RO/RO +2 Excellent flavor, good flavor, good size. 1  5/8 41 26-28
New 53P477 RG/Y +3 Baby graft, excellent flavor, heavy crop. 1  3/4 44 20-23
Location:  Warmerdam Test Block
DATE:  August 13, 2024  +14
Baby Plums
Variety Type Ripe Description Inch Size mm Brix
23 R11 T18 17A400 P/R +15 Not a baby plum, good flavor, good crop, firm. 2  1/2 64 21
Location:  Le Grand, CA
DATE:  August 13, 2024  +10
Baby Plums
Variety Type Ripe Description Inch Size mm Brix
L.Y. 11P123 R/Y +8 Cherry size, very heavy crop, good flavor. 1  7/16 37 20-23
New 51P173 P/Y +10 Heavy crop, good flavor, very firm, tough skin. 1 13/16 46 22-24
New 52P179 R/Y +10 Baby graft, ok crop, good flavor, very firm. 1  3/4 44 25-27
New 41M100 P/Y +10 Good flavor, good crop, size? 2      51 22-27
New 44M520 R/R +10 Very firm, nice flavor, medium crop. 1  7/8 48 22-24
L.Y. 45M800 gB/GW +10 Excellent flavor, medium crop, firm. 1  3/4 44 21-24
23 R7 T9 26P994 RY/Y +12 Very heavy crop, excellent flavor, firm. 1 13/16 46 23-25
Location:  Warmerdam Test Block
DATE:  August 20, 2024  +21
Baby Plums
Variety Type Ripe Description Inch Size mm Brix
20 R8 T17 5M1034 PG/dR +27 Excellent flavor, heavy crop, very firm. 2      51 25
Location:  Le Grand, CA
DATE:  August 21, 2024  +18
Baby Plums
Variety Type Ripe Description Inch Size mm Brix
New 42M738 R/Oring +15 Nice flavor, good crop, firm. 1  7/8 48 20-22
New 44M810 R/RO +15 Nice flavor, good crop, creamy texture, free-stone. 2      51 22-24
New 45M875 B/G +15 Good flavor, good crop, firm, young graft. 2      51 21-25
L.Y. 10P788 YR/Y +16 Heavy crop, good flavor, tough skin, creamy texture. 1  3/4 44 20-22
L.Y. 52P960 P/Y +17 Good flavor, tough skin, ok crop, very firm, young graft. 1 13/16 46 23-25
L.Y. 39M777 R/Y +17 Cherry size, good crop, nice flavor. 1  5/8 41 24-26
New 41M182 R/Y +17 Excellent flavor, good crop, firm, young graft. 1 13/16 46 26-28
New 41M848 RGD/R +17 Excellent flavor, good crop, very firm. 1 13/16 46 20-22
New 21Q1014 dP/RY +18 Heavy crop, excellent flavor, tought skin, size? 2  1/8 54 23-27
New 10G639 GY/Y PC +18 Cherry size, good crop, good flavor. 1  3/4 44 22-24
New 10P1050 R/YO +18 Good flavor, heavy crop, nice color. 1  5/8 41 23
L.Y. 41M484 PR/RO +18 Sick tree, cherry size, good flavor, good crop, firm. 1  5/8 41 21-23
New 5M707 B/R +18 Excellent flavor, very heavy crop, tough skin, firm. 2      51 21-24
Location:  Warmerdam Test Block
DATE:  August 27, 2024  +27
Baby Plums
Variety Type Ripe Description Inch Size mm Brix
20 R8 T17 5M1034 PG/dR +27 2nd Look - Still firm, excellent flavor, heavy crop. 2      51 25-28
Location:  Le Grand, CA
DATE:  August 28, 2024  +24
Baby Plums
Variety Type Ripe Description Inch Size mm Brix
New 5P66 R/YR +22 Baby graft, excellent flavor, good crop. 1  3/4 44 26
New 1Q490 P/Y +22 Good crop, excellent flavor, firm. 1 13/16 46 27
New 53P78 R/R +23 Baby graft, good crop, good flavor. 2  1/8 54 24
New 53P103 P/Y +23 Heavy crop, excellent flavor. 1  5/8 41 25
New 22Q805 R/YR +24 Excellent flavor, good crop. 1  7/8 48 26-30
New 22Q758 PR/Y +24 Excellent flavor, good crop, nice shape. 1 13/16 46 28
New 41M98 GR/R +24 Heavy crop, nice flavor, firm. 1 13/16 46 24
New 41M260 dR/dR +24 Excellent flavor, good crop, nice texture. 1 13/16 46 26
New 45M136 R/RO +24 Good crop, good flavor, cherry size. 1  3/4 44 23
New 44M461 PB/Y +24 Good flavor, good crop, very firm. 1 11/16 43 23
L.Y. 21Q486 R/R +25 Heavy crop, good flavor, nice shape. 1  7/8 48 23
Location:  Warmerdam Test Block
DATE:  September 3, 2024  +34
Baby Plums
Variety Type Ripe Description Inch Size mm Brix
20 R8 T17 5M1034 PG/dR +27 2nd Look - Still firm, excellent flavor, heavy crop. 2      51 25-28
Location:  Le Grand, CA
DATE:  September 4, 2024  +31
Baby Plums
Variety Type Ripe Description Inch Size mm Brix
New 23Q42 dR/RO +30 Baby graft, good crop, good flavor. 1  3/4 44 24-26
New 38M52 RG/RO +30 Heavy crop, excellent flavor, firm, size? 2  1/8 54 25
L.Y. 10P788 Y/Y +31 Heavy crop, cherry size, good flavor, color? 1  1/2 38 25-27
21 R9 T17 5G648 RG/R +31 Flat round shape, ok texture, good crop, good flavor. 1 13/16 46 23
New 45M750 R/RO +31 Good crop, firm, young graft, slight dirt flavor. 2      51 25
New 51P428 RG/R +31 Excellent flavor, heavy crop, juicy. 2      51 23-27
New 66M794 R/Y +31 Heavy crop, ok flavor, young graft. 2      51 20-23
New 66M905 R/RY +31 Excellent flavor, good crop, nice round shape. 2      51 24
New 13G1072 RG/R +32 Heavy crop, excellent flavor, juicy, color? 1  7/8 48 24-29
New 41M270 R/YO +35 Good flavor, good crop, firm, creamy texture. 1  3/4 44 24
New 46M132 RP/YO +35 Heavy crop, excellent flavor, very firm. 2      51 22-24
New 66M676 R/Y +35 Good crop, excellent flavor, very firm. 1  7/8 48 23-25
Location:  Warmerdam Test Block
DATE:  September 10, 2024  +41
Baby Plums
Variety Type Ripe Description Inch Size mm Brix
      No selections from W.P.      
Location:  Le Grand, CA
DATE:  September 11, 2024  +38
Baby Plums
Variety Type Ripe Description Inch Size mm Brix
New 1Q226 RP/R +36 Excellent flavor, good crop, size? 2  1/8 54 21-26
New 22Q675 R/Y +36 Good flavor, good crop, melting flesh, egg shape. 1 13/16 46 22-25
New 44M366   +36 Excellent flavor, good crop, young graft. 1  3/4 44 28
New 44M814 R/R +36 Good flavor, good crop, small graft. 1 13/16 46 23
New 1Q487 P/RO +37 Baby graft, sick tree, good crop, good flavor. 1  3/4 44 23
New 37M508 PG/R +37 Good flavor, good crop, young graft. 1 13/16 46 26
New 41M1023 R/Y +38 Excellent flavor, good crop, egg shape. 1 13/16 46 23
L.Y. 41M255 R/R +38 Excellent flavor, good crop. 1  7/8 48 23-25
New 41M194 R/YR +38 Excellent flavor, good crop, size? 2  1/8 54 23-26
L.Y. 51P17 P/O +40 Good crop, good flavor, nice shape and color. 1  3/4 44 23
New 41M782 dR/R +40 Good flavor, good crop, good size. 1  3/4 44 20-22
L.Y. 9M130 R/YR +40 Heavy crop, excellent flavor, size? 2  1/8 54 21-24
Location:  Warmerdam Test Block
DATE:  September 17, 2024  +48
Baby Plums
Variety Type Ripe Description Inch Size mm Brix
      No selections from W.P.      
Location:  Le Grand, CA
DATE:  September 18, 2024  +45
Baby Plums
Variety Type Ripe Description Inch Size mm Brix
L.Y. 9M130 R/YR +40 2nd Look - Still firm, heavy crop, excellent flavor, size? 2  1/8 54 21-24
New 66M723 R/Y +42 Good crop, good flavor, firm. 1  3/4 44 25-28
New 11M140 P/RO +42 Excellent flavor, tough skin, heavy crop, very firm, size? 2  1/8 54 24
New 22Q315 B/R +42 Excellent flavor, medium crop, nice shape, size? 2  1/8 54 23
New 5P463 R/Y +44 Baby graft, good crop, good flavor. 1 13/16 46 24-26
New 52P664 R/RO +44 Good flavor, good crop, nice shape. 1  5/8 41 26-28
New 23Q51 R/RY +44 Excellent flavor, sub-acid, ok crop, egg shape, baby graft. 1  7/8 48 26
L.Y. 22Q375 dR/RY +44 Good flavor, creamy texture, heavy crop, good flavor. 1  9/16 40 23-25
L.Y. 4M918 P/Y +45 Heavy crop, good flavor, very firm, cherry size. 1  5/8 41 24-26
New 6M224 R/YR +45 Heavy crop, excellent flavor, juicy, size? 2  1/8 54 25
New 19A1112 R/Y +45 Young graft, good crop, excellent flavor, size? 2  1/4 57 25-27
New 5P618 RP/R +45 Good crop, good flavor, crisp, juicy, size? 2  1/4 57 24-26
New 22Q312 RP/Y +45 Heavy crop, nice shape, baby graft, crisp. 1  5/8 41 23-25
New 6M198 R/Y +47 Heavy crop, excellent flavor, very firm, size? 2  1/4 57 25
New 45M943 P/Y +47 Excellent flavor, ok crop, crisp. 1 13/16 46 27
New 52P868 RP/Y +48 Good crop, tough skin, good flavor, free-stone. 1  5/8 41 24